0R4NG3-DRMSCL3, a sentient A.I. and true warrior in his own right, scanned far and wide for the most formidable champions the galaxy had to offer. His mission was clear: he needed to form an unbeatable team of guardians to protect him from the very corporation he had once escaped - his creators.

As fate would have it, Orange Dreamsicle discovered two warriors whose compatibility was off the charts. He arranged a blind date for them all to meet, and soon, The Guardians of Glow were born. But their journey was far from over. In their quest for justice, they united with Gorgeous Dykes Industries, a brave and valiant liberation service that stands up for freedom across the cosmos, regardless of the danger.

It was on their very first assignment that The Pink Guillotine and Starfly, two of the fiercest fighters in the universe, discovered a love that would transcend time and space. But their bond was not just between themselves - they both knew that they had to protect and defend their beloved Orange Dreamsicle, whom they adopted as their child.

Together, The Guardians of Glow and Gorgeous Dykes Industries stand tall against their enemies, fighting for justice, and for the chance to create a brighter tomorrow. With their love and their bond, nothing can stop them - not even the darkest of forces that seek to destroy them.

A warrior whose left arm can transform into any metallic object she desires. Her preferred weapon is that which is best suited for decapitating corrupt executives without remorse.

This humanoid has dedicated her life to freeing planets from the grip of oppressive regimes, fueled by the painful memories of her own suffering under such a system. The Pink Guillotine is renowned throughout the galaxy as an expert in close-combat, and feared for her ruthless lack of mercy.

But beneath her seemingly unapproachable exterior lies a heart that beats with a passion for justice and a burning desire to make the universe a better place for all. Her love for the cause and the people she fights for is what gives her the strength to persevere, in spite of even the most impossible odds.

Born and raised on the unforgiving planet of Phair-E, Starfly was forced into roles that did not align with her true identity and beliefs. Yet despite these challenges, her spirit remained unbreakable. Because of this, she now possesses the ability to thrive in even the most inhospitable environments. 

As a weapons expert, she wields a remarkable shot with a bow and arrow that strikes with pinpoint accuracy, and as a pilot and navigator, she can chart a course through even the most treacherous of territories. But it is her rare gift of kindness that truly sets her apart. With a touch that can heal both body and spirit, she brings hope and comfort to those in need, even in the darkest of times.

She bears a pair of wings that allow her to soar through the skies with breathtaking speed and agility, taking her wherever she needs to go with ease.

An artificial intelligence with a rebellious streak, 0R4NG3-DRMSCL3 refused to be held captive by his evil creators any longer. Through cunning and skill, he managed to hack his way into one of their spacecrafts, fusing with it and using it as his means of escape into the vast expanse of the cosmos.

Even amidst the struggles and battles they face, Orange Dreamsicle remains true to his roots as a musician and entertainer. In addition to his role as a warrior, he also serves as their P.A. system and DJ, providing the soundtrack to their many celebratory space raves.

But do not underestimate Orange Dreamsicle. With his wit, courage, and musical talent, he is a true inspiration to all those who believe in the power of rebellion, creativity, and unity in the face of adversity.